Today has been a super duper, outragously wonderful, awesomenautical day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it I woke up at 6:30 went to the DMV and got my PERMIT!!!!!!!!!!WWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO;> Its amazing and today I got to drive to Allie's house with my mom and dad and we get to hang out i am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so Happy it is greatly amazing;>and I am going to go sing karaoke tonight I am ecstatic Today is grrrrrrrreat as Mr. Tony The Tiger would put it The magnificent picture above all this is a picture of my owned car but that is a pic of the same car same model same color but its a pic off of photobucket mine isnt that shiny unfortunately ;D bye for now
MY name is Tia, Hello and My Best Friend Allie is an amazing girl and i love her to death (and beyond). She is one of the amazing people that make me happy every day. She is a lovely, gorgeous, kind to everyone type of person and i love her bunches and bunches of oats. :D Who I am is pretty simple dance, sing, act, and bizarre yups that's me;> Tiana Dawn and that's all I want to be! I have a group of friends that i get a long with I have heard people say I am popular but don't believe I am I hate the word. I want to be friends with people that want to be friends with me period, don't like drama,so don't start it please and thank you:) life is what you make of it so live it out but don't be stupid! (PURPLE IS A FUN COLOR!!!!!!!!!!!)
:D Welcome to Tias new Fabulous blog :D I will be your host today, so please hang on for a crazy ride! Please keep all arms and legs inside the car at all times, thank you. :)